Simply put, coaching with Life Compass helps you gain clarity, become focused, and create a strategy for taking action. Often, the hardest part about moving forward is becoming aware of what is keeping us from our goals. Once this is understood, by focusing your strengths, you create a powerful force for change. As a trained and certified coach, Andy has the tools and techniques to help you discover what you want to change and guide you to your goals.

Ask yourself, “What would I change in my life right now if I knew I could?” Imagine the sense of accomplishment you will feel when you have the tools and knowledge to make it a reality.

Real-world Business Experience Meets the Art of Coaching

As director of a communications and marketing group at a Fortune 100 company, Andy Hill found his calling helping others seek their true potential in both career and personal growth. This led to his initial training as a life purpose coach, a discipline which Andy believes provides a solid basis for understanding your unique talents and how to best integrate them in your work life. Andy’s strength is in blending business experience with the intuitive art of coaching — merging your passion for life with everyday realities. With over 30 years’ experience in a wide-range of businesses and private coaching, he has assisted many in making meaningful life and career changes during times of transition.

About Andy

Andy Hill is a certified coach and has a private practice called Life Compass. With over 30 years in business management, he specializes in guiding others to make life, business, and career changes. He is a graduate of the Life Purpose Institute and is certified in the Life Purpose Process©. He is also certified as a Professional Behavioral Analyst (CPBA), Motivational Analyst (CPDFA), and in the four-science TriMetrixHD executive tool and is licensed to conduct career and business assessments. He has completed training in Coaching with Intent (based on The Four Agreements and New Agreements in the Workplace) and the Small Business Coaching Intensive from Coachville. He has completed mediation and conflict resolution training with Mediate Your Life, a  method based on Marshall Rosenberg’s seminal Non-Violent Communication work. In 2020, he acquired Master Certification as a Prioritized Leader Consultant and helps leaders increase the health, productivity and profitability of their organizations.

Andy has been invited to speak to public and private organizations, been interviewed and discussed in numerous printed articles, has appeared on television and radio, and is co-author of the book “Smoke Signals from the Universe”. Andy has called Reno, Nevada home since 1987. He is an avid cyclist, hiker, skier and loves the outdoors.